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Filibus film completo guarda adesso>

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Filibus streaming, La trama del film: Baroness Troixmonde, aka Filibus, the mysterious air pirate, commits her thefts then retreats to the safety of her zeppelin. Filibus' airship is manned by a staff of mask-wearing lackeys who instantly obey her every command. An esteemed detective sets out on her trail, and Filibus attempts to frame him as the daring villain-- all the while slipping in between male and female disguises to romance the detective's sister!

  • Film / Gangster / Drammatico
  • 1915
  • Italia
  • Mario Roncoroni
  • Valeria Creti, Cristina Ruspoli, Giovanni Spano, Mario Mariani, Filippo Vallino
  • 79 minuti



1-12-2023, 12:32

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